General information regarding Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution
Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution (RAL) covers mediation, conciliation and arbitration. ADR entities are entities authorized to mediate, conciliate and arbitrate consumer disputes in Portugal, which must be registered on the list of ADR entities provided for by Law No. 144/2015.
Published on September 8 p.p., Law 144/2015 approved the new legal framework for alternative (extrajudicial) resolution mechanisms for consumer disputes, creating the Consumer Arbitration Network in Portugal and establishing a duty of information for supplier companies of goods or service providers of the existing Alternative Dispute Resolution Centers applicable to the sector in which the companies operate.
The consumer should always first contact the supplier of the good or the service provider to try to solve the problem.
In the event of a dispute, the consumer may resort to an Alternative Consumer Dispute Resolution Entity:
CNIACC – Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo
Address: Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campus de Campolide, 1099-032 Lisboa
Telephone: 21 384 74 84 (das 15h às 16h)
More information at the Consumer Portal: (